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Published May 16, 2023 2:31 PM
Welcome to the Graduation Ceremony for Msc students in Geosciences. Photo: GK/UiO
Welcome to the Graduation ceremony for MSc students in Geosciences. Photo: GK/UiO

The Department of Geosciences is pleased to invite all master's students who graduate during the spring semester of 2023 to the department’s graduation ceremony and celebration. 

Date: June 19
Time: 13:30 - ca. 17:00
Location: Auditorium 1, Geology building at Blindern

More information is available ...

Publisert 17. apr. 2023 10:47

Representant fra UC Berkeley bes?ker MN-fakultetet for ? m?te kommende utvekslingsstudenter og fortelle om hva det vil si ? v?re utvekslingsstudent p? Berkeley

Tid: 21. april 2023 kl 14:15-15:30

Meld deg p? her!

Published Mar. 10, 2023 12:03 PM


the application for field support has been removed and replaced with a web questionnaire form in order to request reimbursement/refund of expenses related to your MSc thesis and fieldwork. 

The information has been removed from the "Application" page and relocated to its own webpage, Reimbursement of field/lab activity related to the MSc thesis, with pointers from the resource page for master's students in Geoscience. 

Let us know if you have any questions!

Student administration
Department of Geosciences


Publisert 22. feb. 2023 14:13

Uansett om du nettopp har startet p? masterstudiet eller n?rmer deg slutten s? er det viktig ? tenke p? at du skal ut i arbeidslivet en dag. N?r du skal finne deg en jobb m? du kunne formidle kompetansen din til arbeidsgivere slik at de ?nsker ? ansette nettopp deg. Og dette skal du selvf?lgelig f? hjelp til.

Karrieresenteret tilbyr egne kurs for masterstudenter ved MN: 

  • ?Slik f?r du jobben?: 6. og 8. mars (alle masterstudenter). 
  • Intervjukurs: 10. mars (masterstudenter i siste studie?r).

Les mer om kursene og meld deg p?

Publisert 3. feb. 2023 11:20

MN-fakultetet inviterer til digitalt informasjonsm?te om utveksling der vi forteller deg hva du trenger ? vite for ? planlegge et semester i utlandet.

Tid: 7. februar 2023 kl 14:15-15:30

Meld deg p? her!

Publisert 1. feb. 2023 12:38

MN-fakultetet inviterer til informasjonsm?te om utveksling, der vi forteller deg hva du trenger ? vite for ? planlegge et semester i utlandet.

Tid: 2. februar 2023 - kl 14:15 

Sted: Aud. 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Mer informasjon og p?melding finner du her.

Published Jan. 17, 2023 9:34 AM


registration for courses in the main course admission is due on Thursday 19 January at 23:59. Studentweb will then close and open again on Tuesday 24 January to register for courses with available capacity. 

Remember to pay the semester fee by 1 February. 

Student administration

Published Jan. 6, 2023 10:01 AM


please be aware that the deadline for registration to GEO9440/5440 - Cryospheric Modelling (5 ECTS) has the registration deadline today 6 January and starts intensive teaching for 2 weeks on Monday 9 January. 

Yours sincerely, 

Student admin. 

Published Dec. 21, 2022 11:19 AM

It's time to celebrate Christmas with free rice porridge, Christmas soda, a quiz and socializing! This is a nice social event during daytime for those who are staying in Oslo for Christmas Eve.

Come alone or invite a friend you know is in the city on the 24th of December. And- whoever finds the almond in the rice porridge gets a prize! This is a free offer to students who sign up, so be quick! The deadline to sign up is 18th of December. Only sign up if you have the opportunity to come, there is a limited number of spots.

Psst: Do you want to celebrate Christmas Eve with other students at night? Please sign up in the attached link, and you’ll be placed in a group. Link to “Christmas with new friends” (night time) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZujEX56QoCNRItHuXwLZ3TZUvAEjB1ZEumobCiW5E49k_pg/viewform Sign up for the Christmas lunch below.

? When? 24th of December, 11am-3pm

? Where? Kroa at BI campus, Nydalsveien 37,...

Published Dec. 15, 2022 10:53 AM

The Student administration at the Department of Geosciences is open as normal until Friday, 23 December and will close for Christmas until we are back on Tuesday, 3 January 2023.

For study-related questions, please contact us at studieinfo@geo.uio.no (expect a longer response time than normal), or contact the MN Student Information Centre (studieinfo@mn.uio.no). 

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Published Dec. 2, 2022 11:42 AM

Kj?re masterstudent, 

vi er gjort merksemde p? eit spanande tverrfagleg emne som kan vere relevante som frie emner i masterprogrammet dykkar. 

Dersom det er aktuelt, vil emnet kunne inng? i teoretisk pensum, men har du levert masterkontrakt vil du m?tte s?ke om endring av teoretisk pensum i denne dersom du tenker ? bruke emnet i graden. 

Emnet er p? 10 studiepoeng og vert tilbudt v?ren 2023. 

Eit anna emne som har g?tt ei stund og som enkelte studenter har teke, men som kan vere aktuelt for fleire er: 

  • ...
Published Nov. 29, 2022 9:28 AM

Dear 1st-semester master's student!
This is a brief reminder of the submission deadline, Thursday 1 December for the master's contract. 

It should be submitted to room 111 in the Geology building. 

Yours sincerely, 

Student administration 
Department of Geosciences

Published Nov. 10, 2022 3:43 PM

Dear all, 

the schedule for spring 2023 will be published on 23 November. 

Also, the teaching will start from week 4 (starting on 23 January). The only exception here is GEO9440/5440 - Cryospheric Modelling which will take place during weeks 2 and 3. 

The Studentweb opens for registrations on 1 December 2022.

Sincerely yours, 
Student administration 
Department of Geosciences

Published Nov. 3, 2022 11:21 AM

Dear 3rd-semester master's student!

On 24 October you all received an email requesting to answer the annual questionnaire Studiebarometeret. The questionnaire takes 10-12 minutes to complete.

The survey is conducted by NOKUT on behalf of the Ministry of Education. NOKUT sends a personal link to the survey via e-mail and SMS.

A high response rate is important for us to get good data about your study programme. By participating, you can win great prizes such as a NOK 5,000 gift card, a NOK 1,000 gift card, a drink bottle, a cool bag and a power bank. In addition, your contribution is included in competition with the other programs at MN faculty to win a pizza night for your programme. There are prizes for the bachelor's program and the master's program with the highest response rate at MN faculty, in addition to a separate class for programs with more than 80 respondents.

Currently, 12% of the 3rd-semester mast...

Published Nov. 1, 2022 12:55 PM

Hei, siste ?rs bachelorstudent eller f?rste ?rs masterstudent ved Institutt for geofag!

Vi s?ker deg som er interessert i ? lage tynnslip ved instituttets tynnsliplaboratorium. Du m? ha en viss kunnskap om mineraler og bergarter, og du b?r v?re n?yaktig og praktisk anlagt.

Du m? kunne tiltre raskt og jobbe noe p? hverdager/ettermiddager med ? ta unna k?en, og deretter som en  sommerjobb.

Det vil bli en l?nnet pr?veperiode p? én m?ned for ? teste de n?dvendige ferdighetene, og du vil f? oppl?ring.

Hvis du er interessert, s? send snarest en kort s?knad til Thor Thorsen, thor.thorsen@geo.uio.no, med oppdatert CV og begrunnelse for hvorfor du mener du er egnet til dette arbeidet.

Published Oct. 28, 2022 2:58 PM

To you who are second- and fifth-year students, as well as third-year bachelor's students - UiO needs to hear your opinion


Studiebarometeret is a nationwide student survey where you can provide UiO with important information about how you experience the quality of your study programme. With your answers, you contribute to make our studies even better.


The survey is conducted by NOKUT on behalf of the Ministry of Education. Nokut sends a personal link to the survey via e-mail and SMS.


A high response rate is important for us to get good data about your study programme. By participating, you can win great prizes such as a NOK 5,000 gift card, NOK 1,000 gift card, drink bottle, cool bag and power bank. In addition, your contribution is included in a competition wi...

Published Sep. 16, 2022 3:33 PM

Information meeting on exchange to Svalbard (UNIS) autumn 2022 Go on exchange to the world's northernmost campus, 78 ° north! As a science student at UiO, you can take courses at the University Center on Svalbard (UNIS) as part of your degree. UNIS offers bachelor, master and PhD level courses in four fields: Arctic Biology, Arctic Geology, Arctic Geophysics and Arctic Technology. You meet an international study environment, and you collaborate with researchers who are experts in Arctic disciplines.

This semesters information meeting about UNIS will be held at Monday 19 September at Aud. 2, Vilhelm Bjerknes building from 4:15 PM until 5:30 PM. Find more information here: ...

Published Sep. 14, 2022 11:44 AM

Hei, studenter p? master!Promobilde: Karriereuka 2022 UiO

Visste du at vi har et eget karrieresenter p? Blindern? De er proffe, erfarne og har mange gode tips til deg som er masterstudent. Deres motto er ? tenke karriere tidlig i studiel?pet.

Karrieresenteret tar i mot studenter med sp?rsm?l, funderinger og tvil rundt valg av jobb i framtiden. De tilbyr ogs? kurs i CV- og s?knadsskriving.

I neste uke arrangerer de dessuten karriereuke som du kan lese om her:

Karriereuka 19.–22. september 2022 - Karrieresenteret (uio.no)

Karrieresenteret holder til i Frederikkebygningen, midt p? campus. Bruk dem!

Publisert 14. sep. 2022 11:41

Hei, studenter p? master!Promobilde: Karriereuka 2022 UiO

Visste du at vi har et eget karrieresenter p? Blindern? De er proffe, erfarne og har mange gode tips til deg som lurer p? hva du blir ferdig med studiene. Deres motto er ? tenke karriere tidlig i studiel?pet.

Karrieresenteret tar i mot studenter med sp?rsm?l, funderinger og tvil rundt valg av jobb i framtiden. De tilbyr ogs? kurs i CV- og s?knadsskriving.

I neste uke arrangerer de dessuten karriereuke som du kan lese om her:

Karriereuka 19.–22. september 2022 - Karrieresenteret (uio.no)

Karrieresenteret holder til i Frederikkebygningen, midt p? campus. Bruk dem!

Published Sep. 5, 2022 11:48 AM

Interessert i geofarer? Geofaredagen er et m?tested og nasjonal konferanse for studenter, undervisere og alle som jobber med geofarer i Norge. ?rets Geofaredag er 18.-19. oktober, og i ?r arrangeres konferansen av NTNU.Geofaredagen 2022 / Logo NTNU

Konferansens m?lsetning er ? n? dagens og fremtidens forskere innenfor geofare, undervisere og andre som jobber med geofarer. Konferansen er p? norsk, men bidrag p? engelsk blir ogs? akseptert.

M?lgruppen for Geofaredagen er f?rst og fremst studenter som arbeider med mastergrad, doktorgrad, eller som nettopp har avsluttet studiet – dette er neste generasjons geofareforskere. P? konferansen kan deltagerne utveksle erfaringer og m?te fagmilj?et som arbeider med geofarer. Konferansen ogs? ment ? v?re ...

Published Aug. 17, 2022 5:29 PM

We'd just like to inform you of the possibility to activate a digital mailbox if you do not already have this. 

Decision letters from the university (and the Norwegian authorities) can easily be accessed through your digital mailbox, whereas they otherwise will be printed and sent to your postal mail address. 

You can of course decide not to use a digital mailbox if that is what you prefer! Have a look at frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding this, and if you like, more information can be found here: 


Published Aug. 8, 2022 10:50 AM

We have two vacancies at the Department of Geosciences to add subtitles to teaching videos. Initially, it applies to videos for use in the course GEO4034 Geohazards, but if the work is completed quickly, it may apply to material in other courses as well. The work will be paid by the hour based on your educational level. Note that the videos will be subtitled in English, so you must have a good understanding of English, both orally and in writing.


At UiO, there is an auto-texting program that can be used as a starting point, but it will in any case require some post-work and editing to ensure that the meaning is presented correctly.


Application and questions about the position can be directed to Karianne S Lille?ren (k.s.lilleoren@geo.uio.no).

Published June 30, 2022 9:45 AM

Welcome as a new student at the Department of Geosciences. This is a welcome meeting for all new students in the master programme Geosciences and CS: Geoscience with useful information about the studies and study start. 

It is mandatory to meet and if you are unable to attend, you must give us a notice of your absence in advance.

Get more information about study start and the programme for the meeting!

Best regards, 
Study administration 
Department of Geosciences

Published June 21, 2022 12:33 PM


Summer is comming! 

The study admin will be operating in a reduced capacity in week 27 and 28, and will be fully closed in week 29 and 30.

And we're back in a reduced capacity in week 31 and 32.

Remember that the easiest place to reach us is: studieinfo@geo.uio.no 

Enjoy your summer! See you in August!

Best regards from us in the Study administration

Published June 8, 2022 12:13 PM

You must use two-factor authentication (secure login) for Microsoft 365 (Word, OneDrive, Teams etc.) and Feide (Canvas, My Studies etc.) at UiO. Confirm your login with a mobile phone.

Read more about two-factor authentication at the UiO at https://uio.no/tofaktor, and access more guides from the same page. There may be two-factor authentication on other services later.

For MS365 applications, you will receive a push notification on your mobile when you are asked for two-factor authentication, and for the Feide login, a new button called Use work or school account will appear. Use that button when you log in to Canvas, My Studies, or other services with Feide, and you get the s...