ENG4190 – Master's Thesis in English Language

Course content

The thesis is an independent research project on a subject chosen in agreement with your supervisor. The thesis must be written in English and should be of about 80-100 pages (one standard page is 2300 characters).

For information about what is considered in the grading of the thesis, see under assessment and grading.

Learning outcome

After completing ENG4190, you will have:

  • learned how to plan and complete an extensive research project;
  • learned how to gather and critically systematize a substantial amount of information on your selected topic;
  • increased knowledge of relevant linguistic theory and research methods;
  • English language skills at an advanced level;
  • academic writing skills.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

Admission to the Master's Programme in Languages, English.

Recommended previous knowledge

ENG4100 – English Language Research: Methods and Thesis Outline (discontinued) and the other courses at 4000-level should support the theme of the master thesis, which would normally have its basis in one of these courses.


Individual supervision.

See also Informasjon om masterstudiet og masteroppgaven for more information (in Norwegian).

The contract of supervision must be filled out and submitted to your student adviser. Note that having a supervisor is an obligatory part of the master thesis and that the agreement of supervision must be approved before the thesis can be submitted.

Link to templates for a Master’s Thesis

Link to guidelines for citations and references


The thesis can be submitted by 15. September or 15. November in the autumn semester and 15. February or 15. May in the spring semester.

It will be graded by an exam commision consisting of one internal and one external examiner, and will be graded on a descending scale from A to E for a pass and F for a fail.

A written explanation for the grade will be mailed to the students when exam results are ready.

Other guidelines might apply to students that have been approved for part-time study, please contact the exam consultant if you have any concerns.

Language of examination


Grading scale

Course grades are awarded on a descending scale from A to E for a pass and F for a fail.

The following aspects are considered in the grading. The final grade thus reflects the degree to which a given thesis is found to meet these requirements.

Definition of problem and formulation of research questions; Focus and delimitation of research topic; Level of reflection regarding theory and method(s); Application of theory and method(s); Use of secondary literature and summary of earlier research in the area; Use of sources and referencing; Use of material: choosing, collecting, sifting, and analysing linguistic data; Clarity and structure of presentation; Command of English; Independence; Originality: new material, new questions, new knowledge, new hypotheses; Thoroughness of research; That the candidate has pointed out topics for further investigation.

Description of grades for a MA thesis in English Language.

Explanations and appeals

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn

Veiledning skjer fortl?pende.

Spring and autumn
Teaching language